Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ireland: and how things tend to work out, if not always how you plan

Where to begin?

So my friend Jordan came to visit Scotland a few weeks ago. (She's currently living in a castle in the Netherlands: how cool is that/ how jealous am I?) So she was also on a quest to get to Ireland to buy a genuine claddagh ring, she just needed company, and I figured, I haven't been to Ireland, so why not?

Claddagh ring for those of you who don't know:
 it's a symbol of love, friendship, and loyalty. and if you're taken you wear it with the crown pointing towards your fingernail, if you're single you wear it the other way with the crown pointing towards your hand. 

So we booked cheap Ryanair flights, hostels in Galway and Dublin, and had our plan all set out (which for someone like me, who rarely plans anything, is pretty good). 

But of course what ever goes according to plans? The best laid plans of mice and men or whatnot. 

We missed our flight out of Edinburgh. And Ryanair wouldn't let us rebook for the next morning, or the next afternoon or evening for that matter. So did we give up? Stay in Scotland? Kiss all our plans of rings and redheads goodbye (along with a good amount of $$$ for our hostels and flights back)? Never! 

So we got up at 5:30 the next morning and got on a train to Wales:

Pretending to be awake... I think that's the farthest I got my eyes to open for the whole train trip, they were having none of it. 

Hey Wales Hey! 

After Wales we caught a Ferry across the Irish Sea to Dublin. Now, Ferry may bring to mind images of small boats, maybe with a few cars and a few passengers, and if you're lucky an indoor area to grab a bite to eat, a pint, and warm up. But in reality Ferries are HUGE. I'm talking like, cruise-liner sized. Complete with food court, cinema, shopping, and children's play area. Oh! And a bar that looked like it was right out of a classy 1920s movie scene. I felt like I should have been wearing a cocktail dress, not jeans and flannel. 

Anyways, we made it across with only mild sea dizziness, and plenty of Chips (Fries) and Cider (Not Apple). 


Chips and Cider

Dublin Port!

Anyways, we made it to Ireland... only to have to catch another train to Galway, where our hostel reservations for the night were. After a full day of traveling, the last thing you want to do is get on another form of transportation, but we did. And a bus, a tram, and another train later we made it to Galway! 

We also met a very nice man on the train, who had lived in Galway for his whole life, had just gotten lasik eye surgery (highly recommended), and gave us some really wonderful suggestions on what to see. He also told us stories about significant historical events: Why the King's Head Pub is called the King's Head, the distinction between Scottish whiskY and Irish whiskEY, and how the term "lynch" arose.

The King's Head

World's Smallest Claddagh Ring

Galway Farmer's Market!

Invisible Man Drummer and Pal: Why can't all street musicians be this cool?

Chilling out in Bar Temple =)
"This is Rugby Country"



Famine Memorial.

Anyways, we spent a lovely if fast-paced 2 days in Ireland before catching our respective planes home. Thankfully this time all went as planned - although it is crazy when it takes you 14 hours to travel somewhere, and only 45 minutes to get home. 


  1. !! loved this! glad you had fun! i MISS IRELAND SO MUCH! seriously, wah!! these pictures made me homesick for it. did ya know if you buy a claddagh ring for yourself it's considered extremely bad luck? you're supposed to have a friend or family member get one for you, which is how i got mine. miss you claire!

  2. Ohh just discovered this blog! Were there still protests in Dublin when you visited? I think I am going there in early January :) Looks like you're having a blast- can't wait to meet up!

  3. Sounds so fantastic! What an adventure :P

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