Sunday, December 12, 2010

Baron: Then and Now


As some of you may remember I originally started this blog for a dog I found who was having a bit of a rough time. As my mom explains it (and for all those Harry Potter fans out there) he tried to apparate across the road and went and splinched himself. For everyone else: he made a run for it across a highway, had a close call with a car, and escaped almost unscathed with the exception of his hind leg, which was left fractured, broken, and unusable. When we found him he was looking pretty pitiful. At the time I didn't have the $700 for the operation to amputate his leg (the other option was to put him down), and that's where this blog came in. Thanks to some really amazing animal lovers I was able to raise more than half the money, and Baron (yes, my other dogs are called Duke and Duchess although proposed alternative names ranged from Legolas to Tripod) was able to have his operation. My next step to find a home for him however, completely dissolved, I was head over heels in love with this dog. Now I'm living in Scotland for a year, Baron is living with my mom and brother, and occasionally visiting Marc's farm to chase the chickens (and sometimes be chased in return) and run through the fields (yes, I did say run, for only having three legs that dog can FLY). Not only that but he's slowly getting the hang of skype (or maybe he's just jealous that the computer gets to sit on Mom's lap and he doesn't) either way I get regular updates and visuals to prove just how fluffy he's really gotten. 

So here's to Baron, living proof that looks can't always reveal potential, you really can't do it all without a little help from your friends, and a little love and care can go a long way. 


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