Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting ready for Scotland!

Scotland in 9 days.
Packing in 8. 
Last minute shopping in 7. 
Last day of work in 6. 
Not being prepared: Always

I can't believe I only have 9 days left in the states. I'm making the best out of my time left, working doubles all week at work (Friday is my last day!) and trying to spend as much time as possible with my friends and family. 

My mom and me on our family trip to Paris (Arkansas)

I'm going to miss these girls!

Baron is doing super well. He looks like a whole new dog (well, at least 3/4 of a new dog)! He runs around all over the place. I looked up the rules to see if I could take him to the UK with me, but he would be stuck in quarantine for 6 months, plus I think my family would miss him.

Mom and Baron working on the computer one morning

Marc tries to pretend he doesn't like Baron, but he's not fooling anyone.

Looking super-pitiful for bath time!

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